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How to Download an Image Using Python

Learn how to download epitome files using Python modules similar request, urllib and wget.

Chaitanya Baweja

Source: Giphy

Recently, I was working with a remote organization and needed to download some images that my code will eventually process.

I could have used gyre or wget on my concluding for downloading files. Only, I wanted the entire procedure to be automated for the stop-user.

This led me to the question:

How can I download an Image using Python?

In this tutorial, I volition cover several modules that can be used for downloading files in Python(specifically images). The modules covered are: requests, wget, and urllib.

Disclaimer: Do not download or use any image that violates its copyright terms.

Requests Module

Requests is a swell and user-friendly HTTP library in Python. Information technology makes sending HTTP/1.ane requests extremely straightforward.

It seems to be the about stable and recommended method for downloading any blazon of file using Python.

Source: Giphy

Here is the entire lawmaking.

Source: Writer

Don't Worry. Let's pause it downward line-by-line.

Nosotros will commencement by importing the necessary modules and will too gear up the Image URL.

              import requests # to get image from the web
import shutil # to save information technology locally
image_url = ""

Nosotros use slice notation to separate the filename from the paradigm link. We split the Image URL using forwards-slash( /) and then apply [-i] to slice the last segment.

              filename = image_url.split("/")[-1]            

The get() method from the requests module volition be used to retrieve the prototype.

              r = requests.get(image_url, stream = True)            

Use stream = Truthful to guarantee no interruptions.

Now, we volition create the file locally in binary-write mode and utilise the copyfileobj() method to write our paradigm to the file.

              # Set decode_content value to True, otherwise the downloaded paradigm file's size volition exist cipher.
r.raw.decode_content = Truthful
# Open up a local file with wb ( write binary ) permission.
with open up(filename,'wb') as f:
shutil.copyfileobj(r.raw, f)

We can also add certain conditionals to check if the image was retrieved successfully using Asking's Status Lawmaking.

Nosotros can besides ameliorate further by adding progress bars while downloading large files or a large number of files. Here is a proficient example.

Requests is the almost stable and recommended method for downloading any blazon of file using Python.

Wget Module

Apart from the python requests module, we can too use the python wget module for downloading.

This is the python equivalent of GNU wget.

It's quite straightforward to utilise.

Source: Author

Urllib Module

The standard Python library for accessing websites via your programme is urllib. Information technology is also used by the requests module.

Through urllib, we tin can practise a variety of things: access websites, download information, parse data, transport Get and, POST requests.

We can download our prototype using simply a few lines of lawmaking:

We used the urlretrieve method to re-create the required web resource to a local file.

It is important to note that on some systems and a lot of websites, the above lawmaking volition result in an error: HTTPError: HTTP Error 403: Forbidden.

This is because a lot of websites don't appreciate random programs accessing their data. Some programs can assault the server past sending a large number of requests. This prevents the server from functioning.

This is why these websites can either:

  1. Block you and you will receive HTTP Mistake 403 .
  2. Send you lot different or Nada data.

We tin can overcome this by modifying user-amanuensis, a variable sent with our request. This variable, by default, tells the website that the company is a python program.

By modifying this variable, we tin can human action as if the website is beingness accessed on a standard web browser by a normal user.

Yous can read more most it hither.

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